Saturday, August 29, 2009

2005-2008 Two Schools Close

Carmen Jorgenson continued as principal when Alvarado jumped into the "800 Club" in 2005-06, when the school had a 42-point gain from the previous year. (Rick La Plant. Elementary schools retain membership in '800 club. Tri-City Voice. Sept. 11, 2007.) This was a year of massive stress for the staff as it was well known that due to budget problems one elementary school in our area was going to be closed. We did not want it to be Alvarado. Carmen told us that she thought test scores might be a factor in the decision as to which school was closed. Therefore it was up to us to get the scores up. The scores for Alvarado went up and we were saved. Keep in mind that for many years Carmen had been a reading specialist, so teachers received any help they needed.

On September 19, 2006 the school board voted to close Cabello and Barnard White Middle School at the end of the school year. In 2006 - 2007 Carmen Jorgenson was still principle at AE. Now Wei Stevens was assistant principle. Mrs. Stevens was dedicated, supportive, and great with discipline. She and Carmen made a good consistent team. Using many different forems, Cabello parents and staff were made to understand that the district could not afford to keep that school open. However, it never really closed. It reopened as the Cabello Student Services Center which included a parent and a special education center as one of several programs at the "new" school. Not surprisingly, this caused some disgruntled feelings among some of the former staff and parents. At the end of 2007, Carmen retired as principal. The staff was sad to see her go but they understood the toll of being a principal.

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