Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Grading on the Internet

In the past years Alvarado used CRX/carbon forms to produce report cards for students. Now Alvarado is finally up to date with the times with report card input being done on the internet by the teachers. However, it is a time consuming as teachers still have over literally 2000 little boxes to double check once you do the whole class. The classroom teacher also has to input the prep grades, such as media, physical education, music, and science. The prep teachers still just put the grades on a roster and give it to each teacher. Plus teachers still have to check over the grades after they are done to make sure the data is correct as there are still some hitches, as with all new things, with the computer. Once this process is clarified, the teachers will be happy not to get carpel tunnel syndrome as they once did with the old carbon process.

Family Nights

Alvarado will host a series of family night potlucks for each of the major ethnic groups at the school. Data pertaining to that particular group in comparison to the school will be shared. Everyone is invited to any and all of these evenings.

African-American Family Night- Feb. 22nd
Latino Family Night- Feb. 29th
European-American Family Night- March 28th
Asian American and Pacific Islander Family Night- April 11th